My thoughts on finials....hooked on 'em and that is my final word.
I wrote about finials last May...and today while refreshing my spring decor I realized how often I think of them to add that little extra something.
I never tire of them...I don't think I ever will....and do you want to know why? Because I use them in unexpected ways...sometimes I even surprise myself with the different ways finials add that "Ta~Da" factor...don't you just love it when that happens?!!
Before we take a peek...let me tell you how much I love the sweet gathering of pals Julia from Hooked on Houses ~ brings together each Friday....thanks are a real gal~pal!

Solution ~ and up~side~down nest and a finial...TA~DA!

Fancy pants finials are charming too and welcome in our home...

Sweet finial on sweet bird house I found at a sweet antique show...

I am always on the lookout for finials and items that just might find a friend in a finial...
Pop on back over to Julia's for more fun~ola and see what we all are hooked is for sure, the fun~est part of our Fridays!
Happy Weekend Friends ~
Smiles ~ Ramona