Can you feel the love I have for pumpkins? What other food could you make soup from, carve out and fill with a savory stew, use to bake a yummy bread, roast the seeds, use the seeds in a craft, decorate your home, bake a pie with, make a day of it going to a patch where they are grown, carve in celebration, put a candle in, a pinch...use as a carriage to take yourself to a ball?
None. No other food has this many uses...I am pretty sure that I am right about this...she typed smiling...
Any~who...I am hooked on this cutie~pie yum~o~rama squash! Noooo...what gave it away? Yep, hooked. Just like I am hooked on Julia's
Friday Hooked~On party. Julia ~ I am sending you a virtual pumpkin pie my friend!

Pop 'em in a hanging basket...

Or on a pot of ivy...

Place a gigantic fake~ola one on a bench...

Even sneak and display a cool, never seen before, dark green one on a cake stand...
{truth be told ~ this is really a "Danish Squash" pretending to be a pumpkin squash that I picked up in the produce department this morn}

Santos love pumpkins too...

Grape vines twisted into pumpkin likeness...


Pumpkins and berries...true love...

Grape vine squash on a cookbook shelf...


Sitting a spell...
I am even sewing them...this is my latest OBSESSION!
I mean passion...
I heart burlap almost as much as I heart pumpkins...
Details, details...

Head on back over to Julia's
Hooked On Friday party for more of what other folks fancy...
If you need a ride...just grab the pumpkin carriage out back...Cinderella won't mind...
Happy Weekend Friends....Fall Begins Tuesday!!! Oh happy, happy day!
Smiles ~ Ramona