Sunday, March 7, 2010

There Is A Bunny Trail ~ And There Is A Bunny Hippity Hoppin' Down It

Look down that trail...and I am sure you will agree that ol' Peter Cottontail is indeed hopping down that ol' bunny trail...I love spring and I love the sweet celebration of Easter.

What is not to love?  Dyed eggs...sweet grass...everything chocolaty...lots of baskets...lots of carrots...sun~loving bonnets...white gloves or my favorite...gloves covered with garden dirt...rebirth...renew...rejuvenate and nests....yes...NESTS!  You just gotta love any kind of folly that involves nests! Nests and carrots....especially velveteen and burlap carrots...I'm just sayin'.

Hippity~hoppin' I tell ya.

Happy Sunday.

Smiles ~ Ramona


Diva Kreszl said...

I do believe I see that bunny hopping down our trail...yeah spring!

Stacey said...

Oh yes! Nests, carrots, chocolate, messy garden gloves...I'm in heaven!

Anonymous said...

Yep! Here he comes! :) You're so cute.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

pammiejo said...


Darlene said...

Hi Ramona,

I LOVE that carrot. You know I am going to have to take a peek in your shop!!! Now quit it cause you KNOW I need to save my money for the ski trip!!!

I love all those things you mentioned about Spring and Easter. That bunny will SOON be hopping down the bunny trail!♥

Unknown said...

I think I need to write that on my chalkboard. hehe Your carrots look lovely.

Jill@Barnes Yard said...

Oh my, the carrots are fantastic! So cute!!

Sandy, Sisters of Season said...

Velveteen carrots, my oh my how fancy . . too cool, I like them!

Ribbonwood Cottage said...

Hi Ramona! I wanted to tell you this is sooooo sweet...cute and precious. I love how you decorate and put things together....I am always tickled at how you decorate, and the things you is always lovely and so creative! Hope your week is wonderful.