Thursday, September 3, 2009

Clotheslines ~ Garland For The Yard

I was thinking about Julia's weekly Hooked on Fridays party and wondering which of the gi~jillions of things I am hooked on would be fun to blog about. There is so many harvest~y do~dads that make my heart is a gal expected to choose just one?
So as I nod a farewell to sweet summer and fall gently into autumn I wanted to blend the two a friendly hand~shake before a great game.
So I thought ~ clotheslines...they scream summer to me...and I "hooked" some fall goodies on just for folly...
How can you resist a silver bowl of clothespins...

My favorite denim jacket...decorated for fall...

Been wearing this for years...


My hat...

A different view...

Burlap and magnolia leaves...


A clothesline is like garland for the yard...

Denim and magnolia leaves...

See...pure folly...

Maybe a bit of tomfoolery thrown in just for good measure...

I wore this hat all summer...

And guess what?
Gonna wear it all fall and then some...
Thank you Julia...I am obviously "hooked" on your Friday parties....
Smiles ~ Ramona


Stephy said...

I am the first comment! Love love love the clothes pins on the line mommy!! You are so creative mama! I love you! I am 'hooked' on this ol blog of yours! :) XOXOXO Stephy

Stacey said...

Only you would think of this Ramona! You are brilliantly creative. :)

Darlene said...

I just LOVE your clothesline garland!!! I remember seeing your wonderful jacket last year. It is too CUTE!!! Love your hat too! Hope you and your family have a wonderful Labor Day weekend!♥

Ribbonwood Cottage said...

Love the clothesline! What a wonderful idea! And here we thought it was just to hang clothes on ( boring) and you have turned it into cuteness! Love it! Hope you are having a wonderful day....looks like you are definitely in a creative 'mode'...

Journal Swag said...

Hi Ramona! Thank you for stopping by my blog, because now I've found yours! I love it and your colors and your roosters! Love it all.


Kelli said...

This is sooooooooo cute!!!

Julia @ Hooked on Houses said...

Ha! I love this. Your posts are always so much fun. What a great "handshake before a game" between summer and fall.

So glad you could join my party, Ramona. Hope your weekend is wonderful! :-)

Sarah said...

This is such a clever post! You make me smile! ~ Sarah

Darlene said...

Just stopping by to say I hope your daughters' first day back to school went well.♥

paige said...

total cuteness!
thanks for stopping by & for your kind words
blessings to you

Anonymous said...

Similar there is something?