I was also tagged...for the first time I might add...by Darlene from Darlene"s Days to list six random things about myself. So here is my silly list of silly things that when I mention any of these things to folks...they remark..."isn't that interesting"....but I know that they just think that I am silly...guess what....they're right!
One. My favorite vegetables are brussels sprouts...I could eat them 4 times a week, hot or cold, sweet or not...I love 'em bunches and bunches and then some.
Two. My hubs and I are both right handed and we have 4 kids and 3 of them are left handed.
Three. I hate to fly...don't do it...I did do it when our son graduated from boot camp...but believe me I was checking out train schedules all the way to the airport.
Four. Even though I my come across as outgoing and a silly~willy gal...I am actually very shy.
Five. I can wake up myself up without an alarm clock....I just think of the time I want to wake in the morn and I will wake at that time...weird huh?
Six. I have never seen Star Wars.
See...silly gal~o~rama!
I love Darlene's blog....check it out...it is truly delightful and a treat for the soul.
So our baby is going to science camp this week and we are deep in packing...and don't you know...it has been hot and sunny for weeks...and today it is pouring rain...just makes it cozier I say to her....she is going for 3 days and she has packed 10 sweatshirts...she was raised right!
While she is away I will pull out all the stops with the harvest decorating. AND...I WILL UPDATE MY ETSY SHOP....I will and that is a promise. I know once I get going...I won't be able to stop...and I gotta get going 'cuz I have a bazaar in early December and we all know how nuts it is to try and do much during the holidays.
I did do a bit of autumnal puzting...I know, it's a shocker ~ here, take a peek~a~loo...
Pun'kin cutie~pie~ness...I really heart these dollar store wonders...
Pinecone tea anyone?
Garland of dried citrus and cinnamon and gourds and pomegranates and ribbon...Heaven!
Just a bit of what I have been working on....paint and fabric, thy name is happy~time...
A closer sneaky~peeky...
And no weekend in fall would be complete
without some living room tweaking....tweat~a~lious...I say!
And now I am off to finish dinner and fold a load of towels and make a quick roasted pumpkin soup a la Rachel Ray and wrap up the fresh baked banana nut bread for the freezer and roast some brussels sprouts {told ya} and read some more magazines and all the while being incredibly grateful.
Smiles ~ Ramona
I always LOVE seeing your posts...just all the creative stuff and your decorating. I LOVE that garland and the painted pumpkins!
It is always fun to learn a bit more about our blog-land friends too! Thanks for playing along with the tag.
I can't wait to see more of your Fall tweaking!
I love what you did with the pumpkin in the plate holder display thingee, how sweet! Is that a Mackenzie Phillips plate? Love it! I bought some pink and cream ones on ebay several years ago, they were cute, but the color...eh...so I resold them on ebay, lol. I do love their stuff, but the prices, sheesh, lol.
I am still so happy about the white pumpkin you got for me from the dollar store...you are just beyond sweet, Ramona!!! I emailed you my addie, but sometimes Comcast doesn't like me...so if you didn't get it, please let me know, thanks. I had a heck of a time getting Jen's amazon.com gc prize to her because she has Comcast. Finally had to hook up with her via a different site...not sure why Comcast doesn't like me...they sure do email me every month with the cable bill, haha ;)
Thanks again, my dear blogging friend...you have really warmed my heart:)
Mackenzie Childs, not Phillips, lololololololol ;)
I need more java!!!
Bella :)
Hi Ramona, I love all the fall, but that garland is my favorite! nancy
Bella ~ Comcast was giving me the what~for this morn too....like the universe doesn't want you to have a white pumpkin....silly universe...it doesn't know who it's messin' with...smile...
You got me wondering with the MacKenzie Phillips...maybe a cousin? Ha, I knew who you were talking about...and nope, I found that plate at TJ or Marshall's a year ago..for a couple of buck~a~roonies...don't ya just love, love checkerboard...don't you wish you invented it?
I did get your address and will send these much loved pumpkins on their merry way...my pleasure!
Happy Fall ~ cha, cha, cha!
Smiles ~ Ramona
Your house looks sooo cozy!
My hubby likes brussel sprouts like you do, too, but I haven't acquired that taste yet.
Hope you have a great week! :)
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