Friday, November 21, 2008

Almost Ready To Go Over The River...

Less than a week to Thanksgiving....and I am so excited! I have the "bones" of the menu ready to go....I just have to cross the "t's" and dot the "i's" and we will be ready to go over that ol' river and through the woods...well maybe not the woods....I just saw "Twilight" and I don't thinks I'll be hanging 'bout any woods any time soon...and that is all I have to say about that!

So tonight, as my Thanksgiving tweaking about a gathering of turkeys...
Or as I just discovered on Google ~ a rafter of turkeys...
Next weeks they will be vessels for gravy and soup and cranberries...
But today I used them for my amusement....
Do I seem amused....yep, I am amused...
So on a final note this fine Friday eve....take a gander at
Mr. Squirrely Fussy Pants....great mug shot...
this guy, single handed~ly {squirrel paw~ed~ly} turned
my Indian corn into lovely cobs....time to make some pipes!
Have a wonderful weekend...I am the mayor of Craft Central around these parts...the bazaar I am involved in is happening in two weeks....ready or not...and I will be ready and that there is a promise.
Start thawing your turkeys ladies!
Smiles ~ Ramona


Ms. Tee said...

Love all your turkeys, Ramona!

Everyone's going to see that movie, I think. I'm too much of a scaredy cat! :)

Have a great weekend :)

Darlene said...

I LOVE all your turkeys!!!
So, what did you think about the movie?????

Anonymous said...

I wish I had more turkeys!

My daughter has seen it twice already, and still proclaims it "amazing!"

Julia @ Hooked on Houses said...

Got a laugh out of your woods comment (and how you won't be stepping foot in them any time soon). Ha. I think I'm the only woman left in America who hasn't seen the movie OR read the book. I need to get with it.

Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving, Ramona!! :-)

Blogger said...

Aw, sweet turkeys, Ramona!

Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Bella :)

Yolanda said...

I live just down 99w from you in Mac.Hope you have a lovely weekend.

Unknown said...

Hope you had a great Thanksgiving Ramona!