"Thou shalt sit on a cushion
and sew a fine seam
and feed upon strawberries, sugar and cream"
Okay...if I must sit on a cushion...then I shall. But first I shall gather them all up and be in a parade...cha, cha, cha!
When I heard about the Pillow Parade that blogging golden girls Kari and Kijsa are hosting...well I just couldn't help my little ol' self...I had to jump in line and march along...cuz at the end of the day there isn't anything more important than the cushion you rest your noggin on and the charming~er the cushion, the better.
Yeah baby!
I LOVE house pillows...I just can't stop sewing 'em...
Dish towels aren't just for dishware any longer...
I stitched this bad~boy into a pillow
before he knew what hit him...
One of my "drop cloth" house pillows....stuffed with buckwheat hulls...
Drop cloth house pillow pals...
I saw this sheet at Target...and fell in big time love with it...all I could think was ~
I'm going to make a skirt to wear and some pillows for the living room...
...and...I did...
Another house pillow...house pillow obsession!!!
I think that checkerboard is the friendliest fabric friend...don't you?
The details...made a tube and tied the ends in knots...
Matching curtains in the nook...and my favorite saying stenciled on the walls...
Checkerboard...makes me smile...
Another dishtowel pillow...stuffed to within an inch of it's life with buckwheat hulls...
Seen here hugging a curl~y, swirl~y pillow friend...
My newest house pillows for spring...linen and burlap roof....stuffed with buckwheat hulls...
More spring pillows...
A closer peek~a~loo...
Simple~dimple house pillows...hand painted with love...
See the roof of this pillow....it is made from an old pair of pants my sister gave me years ago...
More wildflowers...
I hope that you enjoy the rest of the parade back over at Kari and Kijsa's...thank you ladies for hosting such a fun party!
Pillows are so easy to make...you don't even have to sew...just hot glue the fabric together if you fancy. If you can't find a print you have in mind...don't fret...just paint the fabric...if I can do it, ANYONE can do it. Just let your imagination go wild and more importantly...have fun.
Smiles ~ Ramona
Hi Ramona,
You always make me smile with all your wonderful things. LOVE all your pillows! I so enjoy seeing all your beauties all over your home.♥
Thanks for the info. Ro~I think you have more pillows than moi but I think I overboard everything at my house. Then again...you really can't have too many pillows and I enjoy looking at my 'Ramona pillows' daily. Love ya...Chris
Seriously, you make those adorable pillows. I just love those skinny house ones...how cute!
I've never seen a house pillow and I love them! You have a great selection of pillows. I bow to your sewing...I can't do it.
Wow ~ you are one creative, crafty seamstress! I have to comment on your eXcellent photography as well. Each pillow photo is beautifully staged, right down to the perfect plump & crease. Nice work!
These are so pretty and creative!Seriously these are really nice and you are super creative. I might borrow some of your ideas!
Hi Ramona and it's so nice to meet you! Oh, you're just wonderful! Look at all of these beautiful pillows you've made! I've never seen 'house' pillows but I love them. I truly like the idea of taking a tea towel and making a pillow! I may have to steal, um, borrow that idea!
Thanks for popping in to see my pillows. I hope you'll come back again sometimes.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Those house pillows are so wonderful! Too cool!
I love all your house pillows...too cute. I'm partial to all the chicken pillows.
Ramona, these are adorable! I loved each and every one of them, but those houses... me still my beating magpie heart! SO cute!
Happy Pillow Parade Tuesday...
Sheila :-)
Romona, you are totally creative! I love your house pillows - a very cute idea! ~ Robyn
Adorable pillows Ramona. Just a-dor-a-bul!
Hi Ramona :) Your little house pillows are the cutest thing ever - I *heart* them! Hope you have a great week, sweet friend~
I love, love, love it! What wonderful pillows, makes me want to cuddle up with one and take a nap! What a great post and what beautiful little pillows you have created. I need to go make some! Thanks for the inspiration.
Great pillows! Those house pillows are just too cute!!
LOVE those house pillows...no wonder you can't stop- they are fabulous! Great line up of fluff & stuff! Thanks for joining in today!
kari & kijsa
super cute pillows! thanks for sharing your beautiful pillows! I love the house shape kindda pillows.. have a nice day!..
Ramona, I can't believe I'm going to ask you this but I am...I just found your blog through the pillow parade last week. I just sat here today and went through your entire blog. I love your whole style. Would you consider letting me write about you on my blog?
18 comments!? Someone is popular!!! I wish I could post a photo of the "joyeous" pillow i have on my nightstand right now!!! I love you mom and I'm so proud of you!
What a fun blog..love the pillow pics...and your blog banner.
What fun and pretty pillows, Ramona! I love the one in the vintage highchair. :o)
Super cute...now I want to take a nap, LOL.
So glad to have found your blog,
I love your house pillows. I agree pillows bring a sense of coziness to a room...can't live without them!
Your blog is great...adding to my reader list.
Ramona: I love your blog! I LOVE those pillows and I am a plate freak too! I am not, however, very good with the sewing machine. I try, and try and try, but it is difficult! I am envious of your gift!
I am adding you to my blog list!
Have a great day!
Lou Cinda :)
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