Monday, August 17, 2009

More Dog~Days Of Summer

We are now "officially" in the dog~days of summer and I am "officially" appreciating every hot, dry, gorgeous sunset, late~night, no~homework, pie baking, barbecuing, dog walking, no schedule moment of it...AMEN!
Just thought I would share some dog~day summer
moments captured this past weekend...
Somewhere there is a guy who is wearing a tennis ball for a shoe...

My summer girls enjoying a family picnic at the park...
Twelve years separate these two..I love my girls...

The picnic is over...but Lainie Day is enjoying the sunset...
Have a wonderful week!
Smiles ~ Ramona


Anonymous said...

SO CUTE....So CUTE....SO cute....all three of those girls. You're a lucky mom Ramona. Tell Steph I joined 'The Day In The Life Of Ramona' blog lovefest. How could I not???

Ramona said...

Chris ~ You are a sweetie~extrodinaire! Have a great week and I will see you soon!

Smiles ~ Ramona

Darlene said...

Your girls are so GORGEOUS!!!! There were 13 years between myself and my brother. I just love Lainie Day!!! She is so pretty and I'm having to laugh at the guy having to wear a tennis ball for a shoe....hehehehe!!!!! Hope you all have a wonderful week!♥

We got to go and meet Lexi's teachers today. She is soooooo excited to be starting back to school on Wednesday.

Darlene said...

Not were 13 years but ARE 13 years between us!!!!

Stacey said...

Ramona, I'm proud of you for enjoying each and every moment. That's the way we should live! Your girls and Lanie are all gorgeous!

Becky K. said...

Awww....sweet pictures!

I am visiting from Barb's Bella Vista Blog list.

Your girls are so pretty.

Enjoy these summer days!

Becky K.
Hospitality Lane

Ms. Tee said...

Your girls are so pretty, Ramona and I love your puppy - I want one so badly! :) Have a great weekend!

Stephanie said...

He looks just like my black lab puppy. He is 8 mo. old now and still loves shoes ! Cute picture :)

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