Sunday, August 10, 2008

Not A Green Thumb ~ Perhaps Chartreuse

Chartreuse ~

~ light green with a yellowish ting....

Yep, that sounds about right. I don't think that I have a great green thumb...I just know how to fertilize appropriately and I am regularly inspired to do so and I think outside the box, if you will, when it comes to potted plants....however, if you have an interesting box...well then maybe I'll stick some ivy in it and we will call it even....silly me.
And now, I'll share some of my potted wonders....hopefully it won't leave you wondering...just leave you feeling wonderful.

I love box pots, in the ground, dried and in the house. I like to stick 'em in a big pot and then....are you ready...I put a tomato cage in the the pot upside~down. Then, decoratively paint a little clay pot and put it on the a little garden finial...ta ~ da!

How about a medal square thingy with a chubby little pig and an old wheel barrel with 'bout that?

For refreshing fun and whimsy put some fruit in your pots....pears here in the summer~time but in a couple of months I be placing sugar pumpkins in these pots...yes, right on top of the is one of my favorite harvest decorations....I also hang bundles of Indian corn in front of our windows like you would a wreath.....I can't wait for fall!

Try placing clay pots of this and that on benches and cool shelves. Here are pots of miniature roses, ivy and rosemary.....lovely.

I place my potted herbs and tomatoes in front of the house...the sun is better out front...and more importantly, I think that it is more interesting. Once again, I used a tomato cage and place that bad boy upside~down....with, of course, a finial.

Look! Yum!

Well....yes I love ivy. It does, however, have a mind of it's own....creeping here and there and EVERYWHERE...makes my husband nuts....but is it hardy stuff and makes me look like I know what I am doing.....made ya look!

So get some clay pots and some upside~down tomato cages and ivy and box woods and finials and rosemary and tomato plants and roses and herbs and some chubby little cement pigs...and you too may find that your thumb is chartreuse as well.

Smiles ~ Ramona


Julia @ Hooked on Houses said...

Wow! There's lots of inspiration here. I could use some, too. My yard and front porch are looking so blah right now. -Julia

rivergardenstudio said...

I love your pears in the pot and the bench arrangement. Your home is lovely! Roxanne

Ms. Tee said...

Just lovely - I'm afraid I don't have the green thumb in our family. But I have grown herbs and flowers this year - so that counts, right? ha!

Ramona said...

Hi there gals!

It is so easy to get some clay pots or whatever and pop in some ivy or a boxwood and add an interesting garden do~dad and the best part of these types of vegetation is that they DO NOT DIE...can't kill 'em, no way, no how. Have fun.

Smiles ~ Ramona