Friday, January 23, 2009


"A little house,
a house of my own,
out of the wind's and
rain's way..."

Welcome friends stopping by from Julia"s Hooked on Fridays fun~ola.

So here is what I am forever and ever~more hooked on in the biggest 'hooked on' way possible...anything 'HOUSE'.  The classic shape of a house is so appealing to me...conjures up ideas of family and friends, pots of soup to stir, lawns to clip, shelves to lovingly dust...a haven for rest and place to gratefully nurture those we love...yep, I am hooked on 'house'.

A child's dollhouse is a whimsical shelf for items gleaned...

Baby bird house...enough said...

A house might contain more than people 'bout pine branches and cones of pine...

I will be making these 'house' drop cloth pillows filled with buckwheat hulls...till the cows come...and I love, love making them...I am hoping that those cows NEVER come home...

You know how you have something you love and feel a kind of addiction to that item?  You see it in a catalog or in a shop and you go weak in the knees and you think ~..."can't afford it...but can't live without it...but what the hay~ho...we will eat macaroni and cheese for a week...I must have this in my know what I am talking about...but then after a year or so it passes and you grow wearing of looking at the do~dad...sick of seeing it around every corner and in every catalog???  Well, I am here to tell you...I will never tire of the classic shape of a 'House"...cha, cha, cha!

Thanks again to Julia at Hooked on Houses for making us all hooked on houses!

Smiles ~ Ramona


Julia @ Hooked on Houses said...

Of course I love these! How sweet are they? Your posts always always always make me smile. Hope you have a wonderful weekend, Ramona! :-)

Anonymous said...

I love your pillows...all of them! I always look forward to one of your posts! You so inspire me!

Blogger said...

Hi Ramona!

I love your houses, they are adorable!!!

I still say your home is the most welcoming on the really belongs in a magazine!!!

I hope you will visit my blog next week, I am having about 15 giveaways, it's going to be so much fun :)

Darlene said...

Awwww I LOVE all your houses. The pillows are ADORABLE!!! You know I ALWAYS enjoy stopping by to see your delightful things.♥

Anonymous said...

What a great post! I love your pillows!!! Very creative!

Ms. Tee said...

Your house pillows are so whimsical & cute - I love them. :) Hope you have a great weekend!

Ribbonwood Cottage said...

Hi Ramona, love the sweet houses, I too love house shapes, whether it is for real, scrapping, quilting houses, cross stitching houses, etc. Loved your post.

Janet said...

I agree; the shape of a house never grows old. I am also infatuated wqith houses in art. One of my friends just noticed that almost all my artwork around the house features..what else? Houses

Janet @ Housepeepers

Christina said...

Love your little house pillows. I can see how you never tire of making them. lol about the "home depot fabric dept." comment you made on my blog.

enjoyed seeing all of your houses.

Anonymous said...

Warm gentle hugs Ramona, from Ramona in Vermont! I habe just found your blog and am enjoying it very much, I will be back!