Vincent van Gogh wrote to his brother Theo...
"There is a sun, a light that for want of a better word
I can only call yellow, pale sulphur yellow,
pale golden citron. How lovely yellow is!"
I love yellow. Yes, it is lovely. And, I cannot resist it. If I see a jacket or a dress or a pair of shoes or a flower or a can of paint or a cupcake or bottle of nail polish and it is yellow....stand back! I just love yellow. Years ago I planted a yellow rose garden for my Mom....she loves yellow roses. When my Dad passed away, my childhood friends gave me a red rose bush....I planted it right in the middle of my Mom's rose a heart. I love that!
On another ~yellow~ subject....I did the coolest treatment on our dining room walls. I saw it on Kitty Bartholomew HGTV years and years ago and then I got the blessing from my Man then, dizzy with decorating know what that is like....I got the goods at Home Depot and went on my merry decorating way. Cha~cha~cha! But wait...before I cha~cha too soon...let me give you the details.
First you get yourself some joint compound and mix some straw into it and add color tints ...and what color did I add?... you ask... why yellow of course! Mix that puppy up and spread it on the wall ~like frosting~ and wall treatment achieved! And now I can say ~ Cha~cha~cha!
The bottom line is....I just love is a happy color, the color of sunshine, the color of lemonade, the color of sweet Easter peeps ~ yum~ and my gal pal MaryJo just told me that is a feel~good got that right sister!
I love yellow too! :) yipee!!!
Ramona, I love yellow too! It was my mom's favorite and it's my favorite AND it's my daughter's favorite! You're right- it is a feel good color- that's why I chose it for my bedroom. I don't sleep in very often, but when I do, I love waking to those yellow walls! BTW, you don't need that vanity stool anymore, right? You want it to have a new home in Sacramento, right? LOL- it is a beauty and I wish I could find one. The piano bench just isn't the same.
Also- what did you spread the joint compound mixture with? And did you use regular paint to tint it with?
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