Friday, April 25, 2008

Thoughts on Pincushions

It is kind of interesting....I sew, a lot. My Mother taught me to sew when I was 10. I am not kidding. I sewed a full dress at 10 years old. I remember the fabric like I stitched on it yesterday. The first time I put my foot to the throttle.....well I was a know, irrevocably lost in the land of fabric and thread and scissors and bobbins and patterns and yardage stores and most importantly pincushions. And guess what? I did not want to be found! Not then, not now, not never!

All of us that sew understand the disease of collecting fabric and putting it away to marinate. It is a disease and I figured out years ago how this wonderful disease is passed along....pattern books! gal has fabric marination disease and she sits at the pattern book tables....browsing through the pattern books and every time she turns a page she first licks her finger AND then turns the page.....and then along comes Betty Lou fabric shopper to look for her own patterns and turns the page in the book....but guessed it....licks her finger first....and.....there you have is passed along....but the good news is ~ we don't want a cure!

All of this information is, of course, for you to use as you will....consult your own sources if you like.

One of my favorite notions for sewing or just the pincushion. I have made some for my Etsy store and they are pure delight to put together. My favorites are the ones made from water bottle caps. Super fun and simple~dimple to make.

The truth be told, when I sew I tend to stick the pins into my shirt. I some times go out and forget to take them out....I get some funny time I stood in the grocery store line with a tape measure around my neck and my lapel loaded with pins. Goofy gal am I.

You can make a pincushions out of anything. Stitch up square ones, round ones...stuff fabric in a tea cup or a bottle cap, or in an old baby shoe, or a tiny china bowl...let you imagination go wild!

Happy Stitching!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

very inspiring mom!!! xoxoxoxo